Common sense of power supply

1. The full name of UPS is Uninterruptable Power System (or Uninterruptable Power Supply). In the event of power failure due to accident or poor power quality, UPS can provide high-quality and the most economical power supply to ensure the integrity of computer data and the normal operation of precision instruments. 2. What are the electrical performance indicators of UPS and how to classify? The electrical performance indicators of UPS include basic electrical performance (such as input voltage range, voltage stabilization rate, conversion time, etc.), certification performance (such as safety certification, electromagnetic interference certification), appearance size, etc. According to whether the output voltage waveform has a switching time when the mains is cut off, the UPS can be classified into two types: a backup type (Off Line, with switching time) and an online type (On Line, no switching time). The Line Interactive is regarded as a variant of the back-up type because it still has a conversion time, but the charging time is shorter than that of the back-up type. Another main difference between the backup type and the online UPS is the voltage regulation rate. The voltage regulation rate of the online type is generally within 2%, while the backup type is at least 5% or more. Therefore, if the user's load equipment is high-end communication equipment, medical equipment, microwave receiving equipment, it is better to choose an online UPS. 3. What are the conventional electrical performance indicators of the UPS for the load (such as a computer), and the range of its usage. Like other general office equipment, computers are rectifier capacitive loads. The power factor of such loads is generally between 0.6 and 0.7, and the corresponding crest factor is only 2.5 to 2.8 times. And other general motor load power factor is only between 0.3 ~ 0.8. Therefore, as long as the UPS is designed with a power factor of 0.7 or 0.8, and a peak factor of 3 or more, it can meet the needs of general loads. Another requirement of high-end computers for UPS is to have low neutral-to-ground voltage, strong lightning protection measures, short-circuit protection and electrical isolation. 4. What are the indicators that reflect the adaptability of UPS to the power grid? The adaptability index of UPS to the power grid should include: ① input power factor; ② input voltage range; ③ input harmonic factor; ④ conducted electromagnetic field interference and other indicators. 5. What are the adverse effects of low UPS input power factor? The UPS input power factor is too low, for the general user, the user must invest in thicker cables and equipment such as air circuit breaker switches. In addition, the UPS input power factor is too low to the power company (because the power company needs to provide more power to meet the actual power consumption required by the load). 6. What are the indicators that reflect the output capability and reliability of the UPS? The output capacity of UPS is the output power factor of UPS. Generally, the UPS is 0.7 (small capacity 1~10KVA UPS), while the new UPS is 0.8, which has a higher output power factor. The indicator of UPS reliability is MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure). More than 50,000 hours is better. 7. What are the "online" meanings of online UPS, and what are the basic characteristics? Its meanings include: ① zero conversion time; ② low output voltage regulation rate; ③ filter input power surge, clutter and other functions. 8. What does the frequency stability of UPS output voltage refer to, and what are the differences between various types of UPS? The stability of UPS output voltage and frequency refers to the magnitude of UPS output voltage and frequency changes at no-load and full-load conditions. Especially when the maximum value and the minimum value of the input voltage change range are changed, the stability of the output voltage frequency can still be good. In response to this requirement, online UPS is far superior to backup and online interactive, while online interactive UPS is almost the same as backup. 9. What factors should users consider when configuring and selecting UPS? Users should consider ① understanding the application of UPS of various architectures; ② considering the requirements for power quality; ③ understanding the required UPS capacity and considering the total capacity when expanding the equipment in the future; ④ choosing a reputable brand and supplier; ⑤ Focus on service quality. 10. What kind of UPS should be used in the occasions where the quality of the power grid is not good, but it is required that 100% of the power cannot be cut off? Which functional indicators of UPS should be paid attention to when choosing UPS? In areas with poor power grid conditions, it is best to use a long-delay (8-hour) online UPS. In areas with moderate or good power grid conditions, you can consider using a backup UPS. Whether the input voltage frequency range is wide, whether it has super lightning protection ability, whether the anti-electromagnetic interference ability has passed the certification, etc. are all functional indicators that need to be considered when choosing a UPS. 11. In the case of small power consumption or local power supply, which functional indicators should be paid attention to when choosing UPS? In the case of small-capacity or local power supply, first of all, a small-capacity UPS should be selected, and then an online or backup UPS should be selected according to its requirements for power supply quality. The backup UPS has 500VA, 1000VA, and the online type has 1KVA to 10KVA for users to choose. 12. In the case of large power consumption or centralized power supply, which functional indicators should be paid attention to when choosing UPS? In the case of large power consumption or centralized power supply, a large-capacity three-phase UPS should be selected. And consider whether there is ① output short-circuit protection; ② can be connected to 100% unbalanced load; ③ has isolation transformer; ④ can be used for hot backup; ⑤ multi-language graphical LCD display; The software can automatically paging and send E-mail automatically. 13. For occasions requiring long-delayed power supply, which functional indicators should be considered when choosing UPS? The long-delay power supply UPS needs to be equipped with high-quality and sufficient energy batteries at full load, and whether the UPS itself has a super large and strong charging current to fully charge the external battery in a short time. UPS must have ① output short-circuit protection; ② super overload capacity; ③ full-time lightning protection. 14. What kind of UPS should be used for occasions with high requirements for intelligent management of power supply? The intelligent UPS that can be monitored by the network should be selected. With the support of the monitoring software that the UPS has that can be monitored on the local area network, the wide area network, and the Internet, users can realize the purpose of network monitoring of the UPS. The monitoring software should: ① can automatically page and send E-mail automatically; ② can automatically broadcast voice; ③ can safely shut down and restart the UPS; ④ can operate across different operating platforms; Status analysis records; ⑤ You can monitor the running status of the UPS. And the monitoring software needs to be certified by Microsoft. 15. What aspects should users investigate on UPS manufacturers? ①Whether the manufacturer has ISO9000 and ISO14000 certification; ②Whether it is a well-known brand, paying attention to customer interests and product quality; ③Whether there is a local maintenance center or service unit; ④Whether it has passed international certification in safety specifications and anti-electromagnetic interference; ⑤UPS Whether it has high added value, such as whether it can be used for network monitoring or intelligent monitoring in the future.