Uninterruptible Power Supply Equipment

UPS uninterruptible power supply equipment refers to the power supply equipment that will not be interrupted by short-term power outages, can always supply high-quality power, and effectively protect precision instruments. Full name Uninterruptable Power System. It also has the function of stabilizing voltage, similar to a voltage stabilizer. In terms of basic application principles, UPS is a power protection device with energy storage device, inverter as the main component, and stable frequency output. It is mainly composed of rectifier, battery, inverter and static switch. 1) Rectifier: A rectifier is a rectifier device, which is simply a device that converts alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC). It has two main functions: first, to convert alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC), which is filtered and supplied to the load, or to the inverter; second, to provide charging voltage to the battery. Therefore, it also acts as a charger at the same time; 2) Battery: The battery is a device used by UPS to store electrical energy. It is composed of several batteries connected in series, and its capacity determines the time it will maintain discharge (power supply). Its main functions are: 1. When the commercial power is normal, it converts electrical energy into chemical energy and stores it inside the battery. 2 When the mains fails, convert chemical energy into electrical energy and provide it to the inverter or load; 3) Inverter: In layman's terms, an inverter is a device that converts direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC). It consists of inverter bridge, control logic and filter circuit; 4) Static switch: A static switch, also known as a static switch, is a non-contact switch. It is an AC switch composed of two thyristors (SCR) in reverse parallel connection. Its closing and opening are controlled by a logic controller. control. There are two types: conversion type and parallel type. The transfer switch is mainly used in two-way power supply systems, and its function is to realize automatic switching from one channel to the other; the parallel type switch is mainly used for paralleling inverters and commercial power or multiple inverters. UPS is divided into three categories: backup type, online type and online interactive type according to the working principle.   Among them, the most commonly used is the backup UPS, which has the most basic and important functions of UPS such as automatic voltage regulation, power failure protection, etc. Although there is generally a conversion time of about 10ms, the AC power output by the inverter is a square wave instead of a square wave. Sine wave, but because of its simple structure, low price and high reliability, it is widely used in microcomputers, peripherals, POS machines and other fields. The online UPS has a more complex structure, but it has perfect performance and can solve all power supply problems. For example, the four-way PS series, its remarkable feature is that it can continuously output pure sine wave alternating current with zero interruption, and can solve all the problems such as peaks, surges, and frequency drifts. Power problems; due to the large investment required, it is usually used in environments with severe power requirements such as key equipment and network centers. Compared with the backup type, the online interactive UPS has the filtering function, strong anti-interference ability of mains, the conversion time is less than 4ms, and the inverter output is an analog sine wave, so it can be equipped with network equipment such as servers and routers, or used in areas with harsh electrical environment. Uninterruptible power supply is now widely used in: mining, aerospace, industry, communications, national defense, hospitals, computer business terminals, network servers, network equipment, data storage equipment UPS uninterruptible power supply emergency lighting systems, railways, shipping, transportation, power plants, Substations, nuclear power plants, fire safety alarm systems, wireless communication systems, program-controlled switches, mobile communications, solar energy storage energy conversion equipment, control equipment and its emergency protection systems, personal computers and other fields.